Thank you so much to everyone who took part in my latest survey, we are a community and I wanted to share the key feedback and how the data helps me move Fitness with Matt forwards.
> Is the increased cost of living affecting you?

It comes as no surprise to any of us that many of us are feeling the effects of the increased cost of living. As a result I have no intention of increasing the cost of classes at the present time. Obviously should venues/ class costs increase, I may have to readdress this but I have received no news of this happening.
> What one thing would make you never want to miss a class?

Fun and feeling good are the main reasons you come to classes; YAY 🥳! The thing which prevents most people from attending classes is commitments, motivation and health. I promise I will continue to keep bringing the fun factor to whatever we do!
> What areas of your health, fitness and wellbeing do you need the most help with?

So the top results were:
General Fitness
Weight Loss
Build Strength
As a results of this, I am planning to introduce some new classes to the timetable in 2023.
Some current plans include (TBC):
A 4-week block of 20-25min strength/ core classes on a Tuesday at 6.30pm. If successful, I will vary the theme based upon music, style of training and goals.
Pop-up Pilates classes: a monthly class at different venues in Coventry on a Wednesday evening. Focussing on mindful movement and back/ core health and strength.
A brand new January KickStart challenge in January 2023 which focuses on nutrition, mindset and habits. There will also be a hormone and menopause module.
> What can I do to add value to what you do

It's great to hear that nearly 60% of your felt you got great value from classes with the emails, educational TeamTalks and choreo videos I send.
10.8% would like additional classes - as you can see this is something I am addressing in 2023.
Loyalty and Membership - I am always looking at ways to bring you great value. So I am considering options on how to do this and how I can link this with helping you with the aspects of your health and wellbeing you struggle with. I am working on a referral scheme to reward your loyalty and support for the Fitness with Matt community.
Online Availability - My online offerings between me and Tasha are continuing in the New Year. I would love to introduce some shorter online classes - max of 15 minutes but currently I have limited time to produce these. My January KickStart will be delivered online but it is mostly centred around nutrition, education, support and accountability.
Old Routines - I will try and bring more of the retro tracks back to class, the biggest hurdle is that I don't remember most of them!