As we hit cold and flu season, we are likely to be surrounded by people coughing and sneezing. Unfortunately we cannot completely control whether we get poorly or not, however, there are some proactive steps we can take to help our bodies fight infection this Winter.
What we eat has a big impact on our immune system. Focus on eating:
Lots of fruit + vegetables (canned in juice and frozen are fine)
Minimally processed foods where possible - click here for a great article to help you understand food processing more.
Reducing ultra-processed foods: e.g.'junk food' and foods which are manufactured from low quality ingredients, with many additives such as flavourings, preservatives, thickeners, emulsifiers, and artificial sweeteners.
Exercise is like a superhero for your immune system! It gets your blood pumping, helping immune cells move around better and breathing heavily clears out nasty stuff from your lungs. Plus, it's like a workout for your body's defence system; exercise has been linked to the production of antibodies and white blood cells. So, basically, breaking a sweat regularly is a fantastic way to keep your immune system in top-notch shape!
However, be careful to not overdo it, too much exercise can be stressful on your body and cause you to be rundown.

Poor sleep can lead to a decreased immune function. Though it’s tempting to party hard, try to prioritise 7-9 hours of sleep!
I know this is a challenge for many, but sleep is super important to keeping your immune health in tip top shape. I have done tips on sleep here.
T-cells fight viral infections. When you are stressed, your body releases stress hormones, which interferes with the production and function of T-cells. So make sure you make time for some self care, exercise and try not to stress about making Christmas ‘perfect’!

Did you know, the majority of our immune cells live in our gut, so it is thought that if you improve your overall gut health then you are supporting your immune system.
Fermented foods include: natural live yoghurt, pickles, kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir and cheeses.
People with low vitamin D levels are 36% more likely to catch a cold than people with higher levels. The NHS say ‘between October and early March we do not make enough vitamin D from sunlight’ and suggest adults need 10 micrograms of vitamin D a day.
Hydration boosts your immune system by supporting the production and movement of immune cells. It also maintains effective mucous membranes, a crucial line of defence, helping flush out toxins. So, drink up for a strong immune defence!
Many of us know the positive power of the points above, but how many of us are proactively taking action? It’s not about doing everything perfectly, but just trying to do a little bit better each day. It is tough to make yourself and your health a priority, especially when there are people relying on us, but if we don’t and we fall ill, we can’t help anyone!
Here’s to helping our body and boosting our immunity!
You may not know but Matt is a Personal Trainer and Online Coach, if you are looking for some support, accountability and guidance click here to enquire.